Find out everything about EcoProfiles.

We live on an earth that is changing at an ever-increasing pace, and natural processes are coming under increasing pressure.

EcoProfiles is a division of CF kunststofprofielen. As a prominent plastic profile market pioneer, CF kunststofprofielen decided to create EcoProfiles. EcoProfiles was established in 2019 based on the ever-increasing urgency and awareness of the need to use recycled plastic products. Accordingly, EcoProfiles responds to this increasing demand but also aims to stimulate the demand for recycled plastic profiles, thereby actively contributing to the environment. Our recycled plastic profiles consist of at least 25% recycled plastic, but this percentage can be increased to a 100% recycled plastic profile.


CF kunststofprofielen has been based in Gramsbergen since 1989. As a specialist in the production of customer-specific plastic profiles, CF kunststofprofielen has been a forerunner in the plastic profiles market for many years.

We live on an earth that is changing at an ever-increasing pace, and natural processes are coming under increasing pressure. Are we pushing the limit, or have we already reached it? What is certain is that without intervention, we as an industry and a consumer are making an irresponsible choice. These times require vision and decisiveness. EcoProfiles is committed to improving the environment and thereby also the generations to come.

Our mission

By actively offering recycled plastic profiles in our market, we want to actively contribute to the structural use of recycled plastic profiles. In doing so, we want to appeal to the awareness of and responsibility for preserving and improving our environment, both within our own organization and among our stakeholders.

Advantages of EcoProfiles

With the use of EcoProfiles plastic profiles, you create many advantages for yourself, for now, and in the future. In addition to making an active contribution to improving and preserving our environment, its use provides you with the following benefits:

Een beter merkimago creëert concurrentievoordelen

When customers know that your organization is aware of its environmental and social impact, they are 58% more likely to purchase your company's products or services. In addition, customers are willing to spend up to 20% more on environmentally friendly products.

Betere financiële- en investeringsopties

Companies perform much better than average when they are at the forefront of social policy and environmental management. For example, financial and investment analysts confirm that sustainability plans for efficient energy use and reducing environmental impacts are important criteria when companies are evaluated.

Beter voorbereid op milieuwetgeving en energiekosten

With EcoProfiles, you are better prepared for stricter environmental legislation and rising energy costs. Organizations must reduce their use of metals, minerals, and fossil resources by at least half by 2023. This will also contribute significantly to the goals of the climate agreement.

This will affect both the cost and availability of energy, which is expected to double within the next 10 years.